Join us in a phonebanking session …if you have never done it before ..There will be technical support on hand.
We will be using the labour party software called Dialogue (see video intro below). You will require a laptop/tablet device and a mobile phone which will be integrated into the Dialogue system
WED 11th DEC
Phonebanking 5 – 7 pm at St Lukes 85 Tarling Road, E16 1HN.
THUR 12th DEC Election Day
Phonebanking from 11am at St Lukes 85 Tarling Road, E16 1HN.
We will try to get the warmer main hall, however we might be in the cafe; in which case wrap up warm.
We will try and be responsive to calls for assistance from around the country.
Lyn has let Comrades in Less safe seats know that we can phone canvass for them and have a team, some of whom have other languages to offer.
Bring your mobile and laptop/tablet.
If you can’t make it to the ST Luke’s sessions, telephone canvass from home using your PC/laptop/tablet and phone: