Resolution passed at CLP GC meeting on 11th Sept

We need a Green New Deal to stop climate change

West Ham Labour Party notes: 
1) Humanity has 12 years to stop catastrophic climate change by keeping global temperature rises below 1.5°C, according to the UN.
2) Already 1°C of global warming has taken place, causing: floods, droughts, heat waves, rising sea levels and pollution.
3) The Tory government’s failure to act on climate change – cutting support for green energy, pursuing fracking and failing to tackle air pollution.
4) The working class and the poorest people will be the hardest hit by climate change.

West Ham Labour Party supports: 
1) Millions of school students who have participated in the global climate change strikes. Young Labour must be given adequate resources to take a leading role in this movement.
2) Calls for a ‘Green New Deal’ and a ‘just transition’ in Britain. This would deliver:
Massive state investment in renewables and green public transport
Thousands of new, highly-skilled, well-paid green jobs
Ambitious actions to reduce emissions in building and waste
Divestment from and the ending of subsidies to fossil fuels

West Ham Labour Party welcomes the Labour Party leadership’s commitments on climate change including:
1) Pursuing efforts to keep global temperature rises to 1.5°C.
2) That the next Labour government will aim to decarbonise the economy with a target of net zero emissions by 2050.
3) Labour’s manifesto pledges to clean up illegal levels of air pollution and to ban fracking.
4) Labour’s industrial strategy: for 60% of energy to come from low carbon or renewables by 2030 – this plan would create thousands of green jobs


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